An inevitable realization in the life of a coach is that most clients do not feel the need to talk with you when everything is going fabulously well.
Coaching clients really only tend to engage when they have a “situation”, things are not going well, when they are unhappy or are not getting what they want; a problem or a challenge, where they lack the understanding or experience to make a decision or to enact a behavior. E.g.:
To many people admitting they have a problem is potentially seen as a sign of weakness, and they feel they will be judged or exposed. On the contrary in my opinion, having the courage and foresight to recognize the problem “the first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one*” should be applauded. Then choosing to do something about that realization, is a real demonstration of self-awareness and business maturity to be applauded further.
When a Coach is in Consulting or Mentor mode, we can offer objective guidance, often based on areas of our own knowledge and experience, that enables the client to consider things from differing perspectives. We can also be sounding boards for the client’s ideas and help them with their considerations.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the work, and understand these Situational Coaching sessions are a lifeblood of my business. However, in many Situational Coaching sessions, I have wondered why the client needs to be talking this through with me? Should they not have colleagues and leadership teams to guide them in such matters?
This week, with one client, we explored the area of approachability of his team to himself as a manager, and from him and his peers to senior leadership and why he felt that he would be judged poorly if he raised this as a problem. What does that say about his own leadership brand, and that of his senior leadership?
Questions we should be asking of ourselves as leaders:
That one can speak to a Coach about these things, is useful to many people, but what does it say about your organisation and its leadership culture if you can’t problem solve openly as a team?
Celebrate the problem finders, as one can only solve a problem if you know there is a problem in the first place.
Simon Crockett
Founder and Head Coach
To find out more email [email protected]
*Will McAvoy, The Newsroom 2013 fict.